TwoYears Ago! Happy Birthday Louisville Family Fun



A little over 2 years ago, my family took a big chance and my husband left a job (and a house that didn’t sell for 13 LONG months) in North Carolina to pursue a new opportunity in Louisville.  We loved our home in NC and the friend’s we made, but his heart has always been in Kentucky and it was time to start our lives here….for good!


PhotobucketI went from a small town called Haw River with maybe 1 stop light, to this wonderful city that is abundantly packing with things to do with my family.  I spent hours on Sundays planning out what to do with the kids during the week because I was so excited about the parks, museums and more. Then, I met the fabulous Jeanette and she told me about making a google calendar and we discussed how great it would be to have one spot to find it all.  I started writing and, well, Louisville Family Fun was born with my first post on 12/20/09.

This website went from say 10 readers to tens of thousands and even in 2011, has over quadrupled it’s readership. Can you believe that since inception, what I post on Facebook has been read 3,339,734 times????  I’ve given away countless prizes!  I have supported local charities and given the gift of smiles and laughter on Christmas to a grateful local family.  I have gotten to know some of the readers and enjoyed the interaction.  I’ve learned about HTML code, twitter, 4 Square and more!  I even got a smart phone, finally. 


I am so proud of this site and what is has become and am inspired to further improve it’s content and features.  Families need fun and I am thrilled to be a part of exposing what Louisville has to offer! 

Keep reading, you just never know what you will learn….or win!  You’re fabuLOUs !




ps: see you at the surprise party!


It's fun to share: