It’s CASH MOB time! Let’s do it Louisville!
Have you heard about CASH MOBs? They are a recent trend in all areas of the country and I think we need to do this and help support local businesses! The idea is, we all spend a little but together, we help a lot.
I am calling as many Louisville metro families as I can to MOB the Parent-Teacher Store & Toys Too on July 15th from 2-3:30 and spend at least $10. You know you need back to school supplies!!! Everyone that spends $10 or more will be entered to win a $200 gift card to the store.
And, there will be so much more!
SPREAD THE WORD!!! Let’s kick off back-to-school shopping season at this awesome store with a MOB!
Nearby businesses are helping out!!
The Copper Cupcake will be there with FREE SAMPLES
KaZoing! Party and Play will be there with balloon twisters and facepainters, FREE
The Grind Gourmet Burger Truck will be there to feed your hunger! AND – The first 50 people to spend $10 and show the receipt to the Grind food truck folks gets you a free ice cold drink to beat the heat.
The Louisville Children’s Museum– will be there with FREE activites!
Find me! I will be handing out great freebies, coupons, prizes
& 100 fabuLOUs coupons for 99cent Ice Cream to the nearby Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen!
& 100 fabuLOUs coupons for 99cent Ice Cream to the nearby Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen!
And, the first person to find me and show me their receipt for a super purchase of over $50 will get a free LouFamFun shirt of their choice. Anyone else that spends the $10 can get a LouFamFun shirt for just $5.
I hope to see you there as we MOB this wonderful store. There’s a little play area too. They carry toys, books, arts and crafts supplies, teacher supplies and so much more!
AND!!! There’s MORE!! Anyone who spends $25 or more at the CASH MOB on Sunday will receive a $25 gift card to Davis Jewelers!! While supplies last………
See you Sunday between 2:00 and 3:30 🙂
Come shop for your child, a friend, a niece or nephew, a donation for a local charity! See you there!
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