Top 10 Ideas for Rainy / Snow Day Play! Activities for fun at home


Why be bummed on a rainy day? Louisville offers a variety of things to do indoors. However, if you’re just not feeling up for the trips in and out of the car or juggling the umbrellas and rain gear, swipe something from this nanny’s list of activities that can turn any icky day into a fun-fest.

1. Photo Shoot: (Take dress up to the next level)
– Pull out old Halloween Costumes and anything wearable and appropriate.
– Face Make up is always a fun edition.
– Get your camera, it’s going to be photo worthy
– Think of some random activity to do as they wear their garb like bake cookies, do a silly craft, play twister, etc…

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2. Movie in a Fort: This is always a favorite.

– Breakout the pillows and sheets and build a giant fort in front of the TV.
– Have a Fort Picnic. Make sure to be mindful when you pick your menu and choose things with minimal mess factor.
– Make a movie necklace
– Choose a fun movie
– Enjoy the snuggle time while they’re not bouncing off the walls of your house.

Photobucket3. Frozen Scavenger Hunt: A sure hit for your mini-archeologists. This requires a little planning ahead, but it’s so simple.

– Find a few waterproof toys they can live without. i/e. Toy Dino, cars, blocks
– Grab gallon zip lock bag or mold of your choice
– Fill with water and drop in the toys.
 – Find a safe out of the way place in your freezer and the next time you need a go-to project, you’re set.
– Use age appropriate tools to chisel away at the ice to reveal the frozen treasures. Salt works as well. Make sure to place your ice block in a pan to capture the mess as it melts.

Photobucket4. Play With Your Food: There’s always some sort of holiday on the horizon. Get creative and make something fun and festive together.
– Strap on an apron and break out the egg beaters. It’s time to pull up a chair and let your eager helper really help this time.
– Keep it simple. This is more about the process than the product.
– Don’t worry about the mess. It will be worth the cleanup time. You may even have a little help…maybe. 😉

5. Be a Rock Star: ok, this is not your ordinary dress up. Depending on the age of your child this activity could be taken very seriously. So watch the giggles!

Photobucket– Choose your Rock Star’s favorite jam and find it on “You Tube” for inspiration and a music track. I always search for the Kidz Bop version, since those are always worded appropriately and they usually have fun kid safe videos.
– Get real with the dress up. Hair, make-up, clothes, accessories, fake microphone, the whole sha-bang!
– Get the video button ready on your phone. You’re going to want to share this one. – Action! Play song, cue crazy dance moves and Have Fun!
– Play back the video for your Super Star and maybe even let them debut their video to the Parent or relatives that didn’t get to see it live. They will be beaming with confidence and pride.

6. Camp In: Grab all that camping gear out of the garage and put it to good use.

– Find an ideal spot in the house to “set up camp”
– My indoor camping list is always: Tent, sleeping bags, Glow Sticks or flash lights, pillows, and anything and everything they want to include on their adventure.
– Close the shades. Whatever your kiddos are comfortable with. My kids love playing with their glow sticks and flashlights. So they always say the darker the better.
– The little ones might enjoy adventure themes such as: a bug hunt, a dinosaur adventure or cowboys on a trail…anything goes with them. The older kids will usually do their own thing. Dolls or Legos, maybe initiate a board game you know they love.
– Serve lunch in the tent. It’s like an indoor picnic.
– Smores in the microwave. Delish!
– Wind down after lunch with some storytime by glow stick light. 😉 The perfect time to snug with your bugs. Transition into naptime or keep up the momentum with some more fun. Take a break and pop in a movie. The options are endless at this rainy day campsite.

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7. Indoor Pool: That oversized tub you never used just found a new purpose. It’s now an indoor pool for your kids. Not really what you had in mind, was it? But it will save you from the rainy day blues.

– I love the shock on their face when I randomly tell them to go get their swimsuits on.
– Quietly fill up the tub and start to bring in the water safe toys, goggles, etc. That way you avoid the constant “Is it full yet?” over and over for a half hour. Because we all know those things take forever to fill up.
– Make sure to lay down the rules. There will be some serious excitement, but always make sure to keep water safety a #1 priority.
– Ice Cubes are fun to play with in the tub and you can always add more warm water to re-adjust the temp.
– Sneak in and soap them up at the end and BAM! Clean kids! 😉

8. Be Mr. Wizard: Your kids will think you’re amazing when you bust out some super simple Science tricks. Many of these can be done with household items you may already have on hand. All of these projects are kid tested and Nanny approved!
Homemade Lava 
Soap Clouds
Cloud Dough 
Color Bags
Puffy Paint with flour 
Blowing Balloons up with Gas

9. Celebrate a Birthday: Designate this rainy day for their favorite doll or toy’s birthday and celebrate. Everyone loves a good birthday party.

– Make Cards
– Bake a Cake
– Have a birthday dance party
– Decorate the house
– Wrap presents

         Photobucket             Photobucket

10. Sing in the Rain: You can’t control it, so make peace with it. Get your rain gear on and go splash around with your kids. Pack on the snow gear and dig into the fluffy white stuff! There’s nothing better for your kids than to see you act like a kid and have some fun. There’s so much pressure on kiddos these days to grow up fast and stand up straight, when really sometimes even the adults need to slow down and find excitement in the little things.  Dry off after a quick shower and warm up with some hot chocolate. The perfect ending to a rainy / snowy day.

By guest contributor: Whitney

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