The $10 LouFamFun Challenge – January – Crafting & Giving


PhotobucketLouFamFun set the challenge for the writers: Take a $10 bill and turn it into a fun, local activity for kids, spending as close to $10 as possible without going over (not including gas). Challenge accepted!

PhotobucketI wanted to do something different. Something creative. Something fun. Something I could do in any weather. But I wanted it to be healthy for my kids as well. Then it hit me – I wanted to teach my kids to focus on others instead of themselves. I didn’t want them to think about what they could get for $10, I wanted them to think of what they could give for $10. We took our $10 bill and headed to our local dollar store. We bought colored paper, stickers, stamps, and markers. Then we headed home to use our creativity, coloring, stamping, and writing skills to make dozens of cards. Since we are approaching Valentine’s Day, we used a lot of hearts, sayings of love and well wishes.

PhotobucketPhotobucketNext, I called a local nursing home and talked with the activities department. We set up a good time for my kids to hand out the cards. When we arrived, they gave us information on the most recommended residents to give our cards to. It was fun for my kids to make, fun for the residents to receive, taught my kids some valuable life lessons (respecting and caring for elders, doing things for others, and using their creativity), and it was all for under $10. This activity works great around any holidays, or simply “thinking of you” cards at any time of year. It’s a great way for your kids to have fun, focus on others, and brighten somebody’s day. We even gave a card to each of the nursing stations, because nurses need encouragement too! I recommend you to bring in cards to your local nursing home sometime this year for a cheap activity that provides a valuable experience!

By guest contributor: Caryn

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