Review of A Day Out With Thomas on Kentucky Railway in New Haven, KY

 photo IMG_5098_zps10a79ed2.jpgMy family and I were privileged to be hosted on a ride on the Day Out With Thomas train ride in conjunction with Kentucky Railway Museum this past weekend! My 2 1/2 year old was beside himself with excitement and couldn’t wait till we “found Thomas.” First we had to make the drive from Louisville to New Haven, KY, just a little ways past Bardstown and about an hour from Louisville. The website has great directions – we are familiar with the Bardstown area so we took our usual route into Bardstown via Bardstown Road and continued down the state roads into New Haven from there.

 photo thomas1_zps8170ac89.jpgOur train excursion was set to depart at 11:30am, and according to the website they advise you to arrive an hour early, so we left our house at about 9:30am. It’s probably a good idea to do that, to make sure you make your train departure time and any traffic you may hit along the way. There are plenty of activities set up for the day that are included with your ticket so if you arrive early, you’ll have plenty to keep your little ones occupied. When we picked up our tickets at Will Call (which was clearly marked, as were many of the signs around the outdoor areas), we were given a schedule of all the hour by hour activities going on as well as a little passport type map that kids could get stamped at 4 different stations and then receive a little prize after completing all of them.

 photo IMG_5105_zpscb5b6234.jpg photo thomas_zpse3ab9a74.jpgThe train ride was really exciting for our toddler! It lasted 25 minutes and basically went one way down the track, and then went back again toward the train station area where you board. You ride along through some farmland and countryside. It is relaxing! The kids receive a nice little certificate that they can color that says they are a Jr Engineer. The staff was so very helpful and friendly! The only thing I would say to pay attention to is where you board on your ticket. At the very top/end of your ticket it will say what Car you are riding in, and we did not know that. It was our very first time there ever, and it seemed like many people knew little tidbits like this because they had ridden the train before. For first timers, this was a little bit confusing because we lined up on the upper platform where we thought everyone boarded, when in fact we needed to be down some steps and at the very back car, the one called Alta Lake. Just a tip to be aware of. There are no assigned seats on the train, you just board and are seated first come first serve. There’s no problem though because any seat is really a good seat.

Activity Stations include: Imagination Station, Spin Art, Temporary Tattoos, Storytelling/Video, Puppet Show, Meet & Greet with Sir Topham Hat, Photo Area, Outdoor Gift Shop area, as well as a fun bouncie house and a little putt putt area-both of which my toddler did twice. There was also a mini train ride and a petting zoo at the Imagination Station area. There were a few food vendors selling food items and drinks.

The Day Out with Thomas is happening again this coming weekend, June 14 and 15, and is an annual event. Check the website for tickets. Use coupon code LVILLEFAMILYFUN14 to receive $2 off your ticket price!

By guest contributor: Erin

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