Skyview Splash Park in Louisville, KY

 photo IMG_5224_zpsa46fa466.jpgI attended the ribbon cutting yesterday at the brand new Jeffersontown Skyview Park Splash Park, which opens today, and found it very nice and a refreshing way for families in the Jeffersontown area to cool off and have fun.

 photo wpark_zps6e5cfbef.jpg photo IMG_5223_zps942ff525.jpgThe splash park is a pretty typical set up, with 26 splash features on 2200 square feet of concrete. It sits right next to the playground (which was already a part of the park) and the very large covered pavilion, so it’s very convenient for families. There is a wall which runs along one side of the splash area for parents to sit if they want to be in the sun, but I really appreciated the location right by the pavilion, which is full of picnic tables as well. It is run with a push button that is set on a timer, so every once in a while kids or parents will have to push the button to reactivate the flow of water. The water run off that is used at the splash park will be deposited into a storage area and recycled. The recycled water will be used to water the ball fields in Skyview Park. It’s the first of its kind in Louisville to recycle water from the splash park to a designated area like that.

Mayor Dieruf and many of the Jeffersontown City Council members, along with members of the Louisville Metro Council and state representatives were there at the ribbon cutting. Mayor Dieruf said about the project that it was all about the unified efforts of state, local (Louisville Metro) and localized (City of Jeffersontown) governments all coming together to make it happen. He can’t wait to see kids, parents, and families enjoying the facility, including his own grandson. Councilman Mark Blum and Councilwoman Carol Pike were key city officials who really got the ball rolling on the city’s addition to the park. Mark Blum said he was super excited about seeing the project come to fruition, working alongside fellow member Carol Pike, whose vision of this splash park was finally realized after ten years. “It’s a dream come true,” she said.
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Along the backside of the pavilion and splash area there is a walking trail that runs around behind the Jeffersontown High School football stadium and walks through a close by Jeffersontown neighborhood. There’s plenty to do in Jeffersontown at Skyview Park-which is also home to many little league, baseball, and youth softball teams throughout the season. The location of Skyview Park to the city’s downtown area and the Gaslight Square district make it very walkable for families in Jeffersontown. With the new city streetscape project and many new sidewalks going in around town, as well as new ped/bike trails being established, this is just another great addition to the bustling city.

Skyview Splash Park will be open daily 10am-9pm. It is located at 2700 Watterson Trail. Visit the city’s website for more information and other activities and events going on.

By guest contributor: Erin

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