Parents Like Us: Heather Howell

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So, several years back, I met this little dynamo named Shane. She’s a big mouth – ask her, she’ll concur, proudly.  Said big mouth handles social media for many local businesses and does a darn good job with it.  She does such a good job that she made me crave a caffeine-free beverage with her tantalizing tweets.  Yes, caffeine-free and I like it.   Rooibee Red Tea. It’s GOOD, little miss LouFamFun likes it too.  For years now, I have watched this local company grow and grow with the leadership of a CTeaO.  She is the focus of this month’s “Parent’s Like Us” feature because it’s really darn impressive what she has done with Rooibee Red Tea (RRT) while juggling family life.

We asked Heather Howell some questions and luckily, she gave us some answers:

 photo rrt_zpsdad4508f.jpgTell us a little bit about your family and how long you have called the Louisville area your home:

 My husband and I have no family in Louisville. We relocated in 2007 because we fell in love with the city. We have two children who attend Sacred Heart Model School. Later, my cousin relocated with her family from PA. We love to travel, but appreciate Louisville’s scenic beauty, culinary scene and the people.

What is your family’s favorite park and why?
21st-century Park in Middletown (The Parklands of Floyds Fork). We love to spend the day splashing in the water park, hiking on the trails, and admiring the bluegrass of our old Kentucky home. Thanks to all the Kentuckians who have made this park possible.

We know your favorite beverage, what’s your favorite restaurant for……….breakfast? 
We like Super Chefs for breakfast! We love the heart shaped red velvet pancakes.

If we gave your family $25 to spend doing something together out and about in Louisville, what would you do? 
My daughter – The Science Center
My son – the Kentucky Derby Museum
Me – Watch a sporting event at Yum! Arena – Go Cardinals!
My husband – Go to view art at KMAC (Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft) or Green Building

Share with us your favorite RRT recipe:
Rooibee Red Tea Sangria – Add fresh fruit to any flavor and place in a pitcher. My favorite is Unsweetened with strawberries.

We also have fans who cook with our tea and marinate with tea. My uncle cooks ribs after soaking them in Watermelon Mint – it puts an amazing glaze on the meat and makes the spare ribs super moist and delish!

Thanks Heather for sharing a little with us, Louisville sure is full of “Parents Like Us!”

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