Review of Oldham County History Center: “History Hounds for Tots” Program in La Grange, KY

Historical downtown LaGrange is one of our favorite small towns. We love the train that runs down Main Street, the small shops and restaurants and the history of the town. We recently decided to check out History Hounds for Tots at the Oldham County Historical Society.

 photo IMG_1393_zpscd149adb.jpgThe program took a short break over the holidays, but is gearing back up for the spring session. The program is free for families to attend and meets in the Rob Morris Educational Building (207 W Jefferson Street) on Thursday mornings at 10am. There were about six kids on the morning that we attended. The atmosphere is very laid back, which is a bonus for wandering preschoolers! There was an assortment of books on the floor for the children to explore as we waited for everyone to arrive.

This particular month’s theme was Native Americans and the children were learning about their different dwellings. Helen McKinney, with the Oldham County Historical Society, began with a read-aloud for the children and then passed around pictures of different dwellings. There was a brief discussion about the different types of dwellings and then the children got to do a craft. My daughter loved the craft because it was an edible tepee made out of an ice cream cone, frosting and sprinkles. There was another read-aloud while the kids decorated and ate their tepees. The children did one more group craft together and then moved onto an activity.

 photo IMG_1385_zps8d0af97e.jpgHelen brought out corn cob darts for the children to play. She briefly discussed how Native Americans played a similar game many years ago. The children loved this activity! After the corn cob darts, we all walked over to the History Center. The kids were asked to find the giant turkey in the center and were free to explore the exhibits and play with some of the children’s toys.

This free program is worth checking out if you are in the LaGrange area. It incorporates crafts, music, storytelling, games and taking a look at artifacts relating to Oldham County’s history. According to their website, the program runs through April and then picks back up in September. This session’s topic is different cultures. I thought all of the activities were all preschool age appropriate and engaging. Check them out on Facebook; there are several activities happening at the center throughout the year!

By guest contributor: Nicolle

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