Review of Idlewild Butterfly Farm in Louisville, KY

 photo 20160227_114355_zpsdmhv517q.jpgIdlewild Butterfly Farm is a butterfly farm and insectarium. It is located in the Smoketown area, full of residences and business…no farmland in sight. Initially, we thought we must have arrived at the wrong place. There was a small sign on the side of the building, but it looked more like a residence than a butterfly farm. But once inside, you forget where you are. There are 2 large rooms at the front of the building. One is more of a gift shop (where you can buy gifts and supplies), while the other is full of tanks and aquariums of all sorts of insects – some of which you are allowed to hold!

 photo 20160227_110649_zpsjabalsvs.jpgWe were there for Butterfly Bonanza. During the colder months, when they don’t have their greenhouse full of butterflies or spiders, they host educational events. Butterfly Bonanza was $15 for adults, but free for kids under 12. I felt like the $15 was well worth it for not only what was provided, but also to help support these ladies’ business. To sum it up, they are saving the planet one garden at a time.

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Butterfly Bonanza was an event to educate and inspire others to help support butterflies. It was very casual. There were different tables set up with speakers on butterflies, insects, gardening, and crafts. It had something for all of us. My son loved holding and learning about the insects, while my daughter spent most of her time making several crafts and coloring sheets. I enjoyed hearing the different speakers. We all loved the refreshments.

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I was unaware of the major decline in the Monarch population, and the current effort to build it back up. The Monarch travels from Canada to Mexico and back, and they need waystations in Kentucky to help them make it there. It doesn’t take a large farm to help. Even 1 pot of milkweed and nectar plants will help! I was also unaware that nurseries and stores often treat their plants with pesticides that can kill the butterflies. I had no idea that all milkweed was not safe milkweed. And did you know you can have your backyard certified as an official butterfly waystation?! Really neat idea for the whole family to get involved in!

I highly recommend visiting Idlewild, and I look forward to visiting again in the spring to see the butterflies! Idlewild Butterfly Farm is at 1100 Logan Sreet, Louisville, and regular hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, through Saturday.

By Guest Contributor: Caryn
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