Kentucky Coloring Pages


Get out your crayons, markers, colored pencils, or whatever your chosen medium is, print out some of our Kentucky coloring pages and go to town.  

coloring pages

The state of Kentucky is beautiful and we think you can make it even prettier with your coloring skills. We want you to show it off to us! Below are some printable coloring sheets that you can print off and work on to help pass some of the time.

Coloring is good for all of us. People say it has a calming effect on them and we agree. For Louisville and Kentucky coloring pages – we have found something for everyone! We think coloring is just for the little ones, to keep them occupied for a while but, honestly, when you all sit down together and focus, it’s fun for everyone. And, you can have some excellent conversations with your kids while you all color together – kind of like doing a puzzle together. Give it a try!


Check out the printable coloring pages below

Click the links for each website to see the full options 


The Louisville Bats

The UK Arboretum (scroll to the bottom to find 3 options) 

The Kentucky Derby Museum 

Louisville Orchestra

Kentucky coloring pages

Kentucky Coloring Page on Crayola 

University of Louisville Sports – coloring pages within their activity book

University of Kentucky Sports – coloring pages within their activity book

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife – coloring pages within their activity book

The Louisville Zoo


The Speed Art Museum – color their collection 

Kentucky Derby Festivalthey have several options, scroll through the activities

KDF Jacket

Beyond Louisville

Holiday World Coloring pages (and activities)


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