Drive-in Movies near Louisville

Drive-in movies have become very popular. People like going retro!

drive-in movies near louisville

Pick an evening to spend time outdoors with the family. There are many places offering drive-in movies near Louisville. 

Drive-in movies near Louisville are fun for families this year because they are totally set up for social distancing. You stick to your spot with your family and you are good to go. Each place has its own guidelines to follow.

Many of the drive-in spots are pop-up locations this year because people realize this is a great 2022 activity for families. This list of locations is not all-inclusive but gives you some options to check out.

drive-in movies near Louisville

When you go to a drive-in movie, bring things to be comfy. Many of the places allow you to sit in chairs outside your car. In the back of your car, blankets and pillows are a must. Bring your own snacks and drinks to round out the evening.

What’s also great about these drive-in movies is that many of them are showing “throw-back” films. My kids love taking a peak into my childhood by watching “old” movies. With all that is going on in the world, break away for a couple of hours to be outside together and enjoy a movie.

drive-in movies near Louisville

Another must, bug spray. You don’t want to be annoyed by bugs when you are trying to enjoy a movie. Bring that spray!


Drive-in Movies near Louisville


Prices are always subject to change by the venue and may be different than what is listed when this was published

Sauerback Family Drive-in: This Oldham County venue hosts drive-in movies near Louisville all the time. Follow their Facebook page for lots of updates. Also, they have weekday shows, that’s a special treat. You can see their upcoming shows on their website. Price per car load varies depending on movie. 

drive in Georgetown Drive-in: Another staple for drive-in movies near Louisville, this location offers many shows. Visit their website for an upcoming schedule. You pay per person, no carload. However, it is CASH-ONLY at the front-gate but cash, credit, debit-cards accepted at the concession-stand. Bring your masks! ADULTS 13 and older $11.00, CHILDREN 6-12 and under $6.00, CHILDREN 5 and UNDER FREE. No advanced tickets sales. 

drive-in movies near Louisville

We are not sure if this will return for the 2022 season but we will update this session as we know more. 

POP-UP! Outlet Shoppes of the Bluegrass: USA Drive-ins is hosting multiple showings at the Outlet Shoppes. It’s $20 per car. The first movie is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on August 7 at 8:30pm. And, on August 8, take in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, also at 8:30pm. Purchase tickets here. Additionally, you must purchase tickets in advance, it’s cashless. When there, you will be able to order food with your phone to be delivered to your car!

Tom Sawyer has not announced if this will be going on this year but we will update as we receive information. 

POP-UP! E.P. Tom Sawyer State Park: Fun Flicks Friday is on August 7 at 8pm for 60 vehicles featuring Space Jam. The money goes to benefit the Tom Sawyer State Park Foundation. I love that! It’s $25 per car. If you are interested in going, read all about it here and get tickets. 

summer events louisville

Click here and visit out summer fun page and you’ll find an outdoor fun section that’s full of other ideas. Make the most of summer 2022!


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