Free Fishing Weekend in Kentucky

Free Fishing Weekend is June 1-2 in Kentucky for 2024

free fishing weekend

This weekend, no license is required to fish in Kentucky. If fishing is something you have wanted to try, you can find a spot this weekend and not have to worry about the license. 

We love fishing with our kids. We are by no means experts at it, but everyone has fun. Free fishing weekend in Kentucky is a great way to try fishing. We usually start our day early to have the best chance to catch something. We bring snacks and enjoy our time together and usually get donuts afterwards. 

Fishing teaches patience! It also teaches how to deal with disappointment. Sure, we catch stuff sometimes but a lot of times, we don’t. The kids still love it because they feel so proud when they actually do catch something. But, they have learned it takes time, it takes patience, and it’s ok if they don’t catch anything because we can try again.

Where to go fishing

fishing in louisville

There are so many wonderful fishing spots around Louisville. We have compiled a list of family-friendly spots. Dress to get dirty, bring items to clean your hands, go prepared with supplies for all of the what-ifs. Fishing in the evenings after the sun goes down is our favorite!

If you don’t have fishing equipment, pop into any local show carrying outdoor equipment and they have kits ready for those who are just starting to fish. We usually get worms from our yard and bring them with us, or use some bits of hot dogs. But, some people prefer to fish with lures or other bait. 

Details about Free Fishing Weekend in Kentucky

Normally, anyone ages 16 and up needs a fishing license to fish in Kentucky. This weekend, June 1-2, 2024, that license is not necessary. All year long, kids ages 15 and under can fish without a license but parents need the license. 

All other fishing regulations remain in effect.

Statewide, public + private waters (landowner permission still required on private property)
Daily catch, fish size & other limits still apply

where to go fishing in louisville

If you are interested in more outdoor opportunities for family fun after free fishing weekend in Kentucky, check out our summer fun page and explore the outdoor section. 

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