Trick-or-Treat times around Louisville
What time is trick or treating in Louisville? Trick-or-treat times hours in Kentuckiana.
This is a very popular question each Halloween.
And, for 2024, since Halloween falls on a Thursday, people ask if kids still trick or treat on Thursday or if it’s moved to the weekend.
Fairmeadows Lane Halloween House
The answer is, there’s no universal answer for when kids trick or treat in Louisville because small areas make their own changes. You will have to check with your specific community to see if there are any changes.
However, it’s pretty typical that all trick or treating takes place on actual Halloween, 10/31, regardless if it lands on a school night!
For 2024, some small towns or neighborhoods are looking at the forecast of rain and making adjustments. There will be no BROAD change to Halloween. You will have to check with your own neighborhood or local city/town to see if they decide to move trick-or-treating to another day because of the weather.
For example, Floyd County IN has changed trick-or-treating to Friday, Nov. 1. But, the City of New Albany is sticking to October 31. So….it can get confusing.
On October 31, 2024, sunset in Louisville will be at 6:44 pm. This may affect when you want to head out to trick or treat…… especially if you have little ones. And, despite it being a Thursday school night, most Louisvillians keep trick-or-treating to Halloween night. What about the weather?
Stay up to date with the weather on WLKY. They will have all the information you need to have a great Halloween! No matter what, be ready because the trick or treating happens rain or shine!
Of course, if you want to do something else with your family on another date, there are plenty of trick-or-treat and other festival 2024 Halloween events leading up to Halloween that are fun for the family. But, not many of these events happen on Halloween.
You can also attend a trunk or treat event around town. Pretty much all of them are free and it’s a great alternative if you decide as a family you don’t want to trick or treat on a Monday!
As for times, most counties have trick-or-treat times between 5-8 pm though Jefferson County traditionally has not set any specific hours but they do trick or treat on 10/31 regardless of what day of the week it lands on.
In Southern Indiana cities like New Albany, Clarksville, and New Albany, trick or treat times are typically 6-8:30pm, with some locations stretching until 9 pm. We suggest 5:45-7 pm to safely venture out when it is not quite dark and be heading home before it is too dark.
Sometimes, municipalities and communities within Jefferson County create their own trick or treat hours.
If/when we find specific details about communities in Louisville or our outer counties adopting specific/stricter trick-or-treat times, we will update this post to list the information!
If you are at home and want trick-or-treaters to stop by, simply turn on your light outside as a signal that you welcome trick-or-treaters. Also, if you are an allergy-friendly house, you can put out a teal pumpkin or hang a teal pumpkin sign so kids/families with allergies know you have items that are safe for them. There are lots of ideas for non-food treats!
Looking for a cool spot to trick-or-treat outside of your own neighborhood? I know it wraps up pretty early in my neighborhood – maybe you want to be out later. Hillcrest Ave. (unofficially Louisville’s “Halloween Street”) typically welcomes trick-or-treaters from 5-9 pm on Halloween. See details here about trick-or-treating on Hillcrest Ave.
What about weather changes? In the past, we have seen some counties, cities, municipalities, and neighborhood change trick-or-treating dates/times if the weather is predicted to be dangerous so pay attention to your own area or neighborhood groups in the event of storms. Though, most do not change because of rain.