Lowe’s Build and Grow in Louisville

Lowes Build and Grow Louisville events are fun for 2025!

Free fun at Lowe’s where kids can learn skills and go home with a project they made!

Many parents forgot about these events because they didn’t happen for a long while but in 2025, Lowe’s brought them back. You can sign up for your child to build a project for free. They usually have the dates and details about the projects listed three months in advance. They also list the date you can start to register. 

So let me get this straight – There’s a monthly event at your local Lowe’s store where you can show up, build some cool toys, spend quality time with your children, and it’s completely free?? Yes. Are you going? You should be!

lowes build and grow

Signing up for Lowe’s Build and Grow events is easy, it’s right on their website. What’s not easy is getting in before it closes. That’s why we are telling people – Act fast!

We know you love free events in Louisville. And, I really love that Lowes is making it easy for families that cannot attend the event. You can do the project at home. It really is fun to spend time with your kids building these. They usually don’t take too long, so they will keep their attention and no one will get frustrated.


From one of our writers: “Sure, it’s nice to get a new toy each month that you actually get to build. But speaking from a parent’s perspective, you get to spend some quality time with your kids. I could almost care less (almost, because some of the toys are pretty cool!), but it’s truly more about the experience than anything. When my daughter gets older one day she’ll be too cool for this, so I will enjoy each project as much as possible. The name of the event really sums it up: you build – you grow, together.”


They have the in-person events from 10am-1pm on select Saturdays monthly. But, if you unable to attend you can walk in and check at the customer service counter and if there are kits left over, they will give them away for you and your child to build the project at home. 

lowes build and grow louisville

Each month, check their website to see if the next even is posted open for registration. They will show a photo of the project so you can see if it’s something your child will be excited about building. Hey, there are also events for adults!

Events coming up, click here. Sign up opens the month prior on the dates indicated on their website. 


There are several Lowe’s location in our readership area so be sure to select the store nearest you when you are registering. 


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