Personalize Wrapping Paper for Birthday Party Gifts


It’s so easy to grab a gift bag and throw a present in and head to a party. But, in trying to teach my kids about the value of giving, I try to really get them as excited about giving as much as they are about getting gifts at their own parties!

They help pick out the gifts but the real fun comes in wrapping the gift! We get personal. Our favorite wrap is the plain white that I get at Dollar Tree. We’ve also used inside out brown paper bags. I wrap the presents and then they decorate. When they were tiny, they just scribbled and put stickers all over. Now, we can get a little more precise and as their fine motor skills develop, I imagine we’ll even create more detailed gift wrap!

After wrapping, set out a variety of items and let them decide what to do. I guide them a little by helping them spell or telling them what the child really likes if they don’t already know.

Ideas for decorating crafts:

Markers, stickers
Magazine scrap photos or letters
Glitter glue
Dyed pasta
Paint ( brushes or fingers!!)
Googlie eyes to create their friends!
Stamps and ink
Stencils for tracing
Computer print outs of favorite characters to color, cut out and glue to wrapping

The sky is the limit! The kids are so proud to bring their gifts to the party and the birthday child lights up when they see their uniquely decorated present.


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