Explore Kentucky’s Historical Markers: a great idea for family scavenger hunts in Louisville, KY

While my daughter was on fall break from school, I decided to take my two kids around town to discover and learn about some history of our city and the state of Kentucky. I find myself stopping and reading the historical markers that I come across all the time, and my 10 year-old has just started becoming interested in the […]

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How do you keep your child’s teeth healthy? Tips from Derby City Pediatric Dentistry

This is an informative sponsored post How do you keep your child’s teeth healthy?  Eliminate cavities starting over the candy holidays! The next 6 months are the “candy holidays”. We want to encourage you to manage your child’s Halloween candy with the following recommendations to minimize cavities:  · Separate out all of your chocolate/milk chocolate candy from everything else. This […]

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Review of Don Fightmaster Playground in Louisville, KY

My kids and I recently discovered this fabuLOUs playground near the University of Louisville‘s campus. Well, I’ve known it was there for years, but we actually just officially visited it and let me just say, it’s become my favorite place to play when we are near that area! It’s the Don Fightmaster Playground, part of the University’s Cardinal Park. Please […]

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Weekend Getaway Options in Warren County, OH

Warren County, OH is just about 30 minutes northeast of Cincinnati and a totally easy drive from Louisville since I71 goes straight through Warren County.  The Warren County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau so graciously invited and hosted my family and I to visit some attractions in their fine county and report back to you on them.  They call it “Ohio’s […]

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Slow Cooked Apple Butter (Crock Pot recipe)

You can get the greatest smell going in your house and really feel that fall spirit coming out!  How about breaking out the crockpot for something a little different than a stew, soup or dinner?  Apple Butter!  Either picked our found at the store for a great price, fall is perfect for apples and here’s a tried and true recipe. […]

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