Outdoor Concerts around Louisville, KY

Outdoor concerts make for great family fun, no matter the type of music.
Outdoor concerts are typically free events and open to the public. Louisville is known for having a great music scene! Every spring and summer, several outdoor venues across Louisville and Southern Indiana host a variety of concerts.

Here is a list of outdoor concerts in Louisville:

WFPK Waterfront Wednesdays on the Big Four Lawn WFPK Waterfront Wednesdays are equivalent to summer fun in the city. These FREE concerts on the Big Four Lawn are the perfect way to experience Waterfront Park. The first concert is April 24th.

Paddock Shops Summer Music The start of summer means Music on the Terrace at Paddock Shops. Join them every Thursday night in June for live music, activities for the kids, and more! 6:00-7:30pm (No updates as of yet for 2024)



Beechmont Summer Concert Series Shows typically will be held each Friday for six weeks from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm. (No update yet for 2024)

FridayFest at Highview Park Fridays 6-10PM on select dates (May 31, June 14, June 28, July 12, July 28, and August 9). FREE. 

Jeffersonville Riverstage Concerts Check their events calendar. June-August, starting June 2nd. FREE, opening band starts at 7pm with headliner starting at 8:30pm.

June 7 – Juice Box Heros
June 15 – Juneteenth Celebration
June 21 – Sounds of Summer
June 28 – The Rumble
July 5 – The Sheryl Rouse Band
July 12 – JD Shelburne
July 19 – Echos of Pompeii
July 26 – Thunderstruck
Aug 2 – The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band
Aug 9 – Hot Brown Smackdown
Aug 16 – The Jayhawks 

Jeffersonville Concerts in Warder Park Fridays 7pm, will start Friday, June 7, 2024

outdoor concerts



Douglass Loop Farmers Market Live music at the Saturday morning farmers’ market. 10-2pm. FREE. 

Jeffersontown Farmers’ Market Concerts Live music at the Saturday morning farmers’ markets. Market is open 8am-12:30pm. Check their Facebook page for event information and updates. FREE. 

Norton Commons Music By the Water Concerts at the amphitheater. May-August, select Saturday evenings. FREE



Cherokee Triangle Summer Concert Series Willow Park, Typically Sundays 7-9pm beginning Memorial Day weekend with the last concert on the Sunday before Labor Day. Read our Review here. FREE, info not updated yet for 2024. 

Middletown Spring & Summer Concert Series at Wetherby Park various Sundays 5:30-7:30pm. FREE. (Dates not updated yet for 2024)

Various Dates

Cherokee Triangle Art Fair – Saturday, April 27th and Sunday, April 28th. 

Evenings of Note at Oxmoor Farm with the Cincinnati Brass Band, May 18, 5-7pm

Abbey Road on the River – two-day summer kick-off event to take place THIS Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-27th. 

Louisville Philharmonia – June 29th at the Iroquois Amphitheater.

Louisville Jazz Fest – August 2nd-3rd at the Iroquois Amphitheater.

Kentucky State Fair Concerts Check their website for FREE concert dates with paid fair admission. Concerts requiring a paid admission are also scheduled. The fair runs 8/15-8/25.

Iroquois Park Amphitheater Summer Concerts
Check their events calendar for upcoming artists and other events. Most of the concerts require an admission fee. Various dates & times.

Bourbon & Beyond 4 day music festival at KY Expo Center grounds, September 19-22, Admission fee.

Louder than Life 4 day music festival at the KY Expo Center grounds, Sept 26-29, Admission fee.

Check out more spring fun here

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