LouFamFun Volunteer Challenge – January


In 2013, the LouFamFun writers took on a challege – each month they planned a family activity or set of things to do and the goal was to spend under $10.  You can search “$10 Challenge” on the top left of our page to see some of these ideas.  This year, we are taking on a new challenge.  We will have a monthly feature called the “LouFamFun Volunteer Challenge.”  These will be posts by various writers to give you some new ideas for volunteering with your family.   You are busy, let us find all of the information so you can decide as a family how you can give back in 2014.


 photo PurpleBBBSLogo-websize_zps140840d9.jpgFor January, I am highlighting one of my favorite organizations, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana because starting soon, they will have a big fundraising push through the Bowl for Kids Sake.  You can help them by……..bowling!  Who doesn’t like to bowl?!?

When I was a teacher, I worked in an at-risk high school in Dallas and the desperation I saw in those kids was something I will not forget.  They were mostly 17 and 18 year old kids looking for another chance and I think, if they had more support, more attention, more positive role models when they were young and developing their values, they would have a better chance.  That’s what BBBS is giving our local kids, that role model and those positive experiences.
 photo BBBSbowlforkidssake_zps1a3bf361.png
Basically, Bowl for Kids’ Sake is an easy way to make a difference. 100% of the money raised goes directly toward benefiting “littles” through matches – the expenses are covered by the BBBS corporate sponsors.  Everyone can get involved as a bowler on a team of family members, friends or co-workers; or as a sponsor. All of the info is right here. Not only will your participation help them, but it will help you and your family as well. You will foster a spirit of teamwork, it give you something to look forward to annually as a way to continuously give back and it’s FUN! The kids won’t feel like…..oh man, mom and dad are dragging us out to do THAT again.

This is how it works:

• Form a team: your family, your neighbors, friends, co-workers, church members – you need 5 or 6
• Fill out a Commitment Worksheet, choose a fund raising event or customize your own and specify
   preferred date (included in packet)

• Assign a Chief Bowling Officer to facilitate event planning and team recruitment (See “Chief Bowling 

  Officer Checklist” flyer)

• Reserve your lanes!
– Contact Kevin Wilson, kevin.wilson@bbbsky.org and phone number is (502) 587-0494.

• Set-up teams and personal fund raising pages at www.BowlForKidsSake.com
• Start securing sponsorships and fundraising.
• After you have secured your sponsorships, it’s time to have fun and bowl! You’ll receive two free
   games of bowling (shoe and ball rental included!), a Bowl for Kids’ Sake t-shirt, food, drinks, chances to
   win door prizes!

BBBS of Kentuckiana serves over 1,500 matches. Of the 200 children they currently serve in Louisville’s “West End:” 86 have 1 or both parents
that are incarcerated and 145 are on free or reduced lunch. According to the 2009 Adult Little Study, BBBS made a significant impact on the lives of former Littles, therefore helping to break the cycle of violence and to rebuild
our local economy by offering a program that significantly increases the likelihood of success for at risk children in our community.

You can help, through bowling, of all things!  They give you everything you need to start rallying your team to raise money, get sponsors and then bowl…..for kids sake.


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