We Talk About You – A Message from Heartland Music Together

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Recently our Heartland Music Together staff gathered together for a holiday meal and celebration. And while we were together, we talked about you. This is not a surprise, because we talk about you all the time when we’re together, whether we mention you by name or not.

 photo heartinhands_zps2210f3e7.jpgWe talk about you because we love you, and because we love you, we can’t help sharing stories about you and all of our HMT families when we’re together. We compare notes on the children who started with one teacher and are now with a different teacher. We celebrate those graduates we know who are now playing piano or guitar, and we remember what they were like as babies. We talk about the amazing moms, dads, and other adults who make each class into a community. Our Heartland staff get-togethers are filled with joy and laughter, and it’s because you are there with us in spirit, even if you’re not seated at the table.

It’s a funny thing. The Music Together® curriculum is designed to help you keep the music going all through the week. We want the classes to become a part of your life, even when you’re not in class. But as successful as the program may be in that direction, it works just as well in the other direction. We may spend only 45 minutes with you and your child once a week, but you’re a part of our lives all the time too.

As teachers, we can measure our work in the 45-minute span it takes to get from the Hello Song to the Goodbye Song. But that’s just the smallest piece of what we do. What we do, what we truly do, is love you and your children through the vehicle of music. And we give you the tools so you can love your child the same way. How lucky we all are that we get to share this experience together!

 photo hmtLOGOCOLORFINALadjusted.jpgI wish you and your family a happy, music-filled, and heart-filled new year. Thanks for the great year you gave to us!

Miriam Klein, Director

NEW for 2014: Afternoon classes in Crescent Hill for ages 0-5, and Big Kids classes in the Highlands for ages 5-7. Visit www.heartlandmusictogether.com for more information.

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